I was walking in my neighborhood when I noticed how children interact nowadays. All of them have mobile phones and constantly stare at them. All of them have mobile phone straps or pouches for their phones. It might make me sound like an old woman, but when I was a kid, we actually had a life, and every day was full of imaginative games and stories. It made me think about the impact of mobile technology on kids.

With great excitement and awe, people globally have embraced technological advancement as it has brought many changes in daily life. Technology has several merits and demerits, especially among the young population. Children from the age of 6 to 10 are more physically active and more independent than they were in preschool. Though the progress might be gradual, mobile technology has been seen to accelerate their curiosity and desire to explore much more.

The purpose of my article is to address the impact of mobile technology on kids. First, I will look at the increasing use of mobile technology among kids. Then, I will consider technology’s impact on kids’ ability to concentrate in class and go about other activities in their daily lives. 

The Use of Mobile Technology among Kids 

Let’s briefly discuss why a child should be given a phone. Firstly, this is the most convenient way for the child to communicate with you if something happens. It ensures they are safe, especially in today’s world where it’s not prudent to trust every grown-up. It also helps the parent or guardian to keep in constant contact with the child. Some special applications like the Family Map enable one to know the child’s whereabouts just at the click of a button.  

Trends in Mobile Ownership and Use among Kids

Studies and recent research have shown that about 95% of teenagers in US schools own a cell phone. Purchasing one for a child makes them feel valued and loved by the parents, just like their peers. However, it has been noted that entitlement issues may develop in kids who own a phone. They are more likely to demand every new gadget on the market; after all, you managed to buy them a cell phone. The other issue is that the child may need to be more responsible for a cell phone. The kids may fall victim to cyberbullying and similar vices. 

Cultural and Social Impact of Mobile Technology on Children

It is difficult to establish precisely when kids started using mobile phones, but some researchers have revealed fascinating facts. Children are getting these gadgets even at younger ages now than before. It has diverse effects on their day-to-day social life and culture. The mode of communication is very dynamic. Most of them prefer to use text message platforms to express themselves.

The study also revealed that three-quarters of children between 12 and 17, at least, own a cell phone.  There are benefits as well as well as shortcomings of the above issue areas highlighted below. A kid with a cell phone is likelier to adapt to new technology faster and easier than one without. They get to know and familiarize themselves with peers from diverse cultural and social backgrounds. It becomes simpler to embrace the current methods and ways of solving different challenges they could face. They can quickly access electronic learning materials and study in the comfort of their cell phones.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Technology for Kids

Cell phones are also believed to teach kids how to take up responsibilities at a younger age. The child will learn how to stick to the rules set by the guardian and keep the cell phone safe, teaching them to be responsible. Although it’s good to give cell phones to kids, it is better not to. The disadvantages have a far-reaching effect.

One main reason a child wants a cell phone is just to be like their peers. They claim they must be equal with their colleagues. It is not a sufficient reason to give them a cell phone, though. They consider owning one to be cool, to keep in touch with their friends through texts and calls. Most cell phones can take pictures, watch videos, chat, and browse the internet among others. Just how safe are they on most illegal sites and platforms? They are also likely to waste a lot of time chatting at the expense of studying. Parents, guardians, and the various policymakers better consider this question.

Societal Implications and the Future of Mobile Technology for Kids

Both the parents and the children are on the losing side. The cell phone manufacturers are making more money through various sales and services. The moral fabric is deteriorating with time, too. Some social, political, economic, and cultural contexts are also associated with the issue. It seems society is raising a generation that is too ‘smart’ to heed advice from elders, too impatient to care about tomorrow’s days, and too independent and selfish to be their brother’s keeper. 

Strategies to Mitigate Negative Impact of Mobile Technology on Kids

Several methods have been considered helpful in dealing with the negative impact of mobile technology on kids. Questions arise on how to engage the children once they leave school. They usually have an exciting day full of fun in school. At times, the opposite is also true. The best way is to use their extra energy and time wisely. It is advisable to make them prepare and have a snack with you. Since most children like trying new things, they may love this adventure. You can engage them suitably in meal preparation. 

One can also take a trip with them to a park; a picnic will also work if the weather permits. Have them create time, under your supervision, for storytelling. If they insist on catching up with their friends, be strict on when they are expected back to the house. Remind them to visit only safe places or joints, especially if they have cell phones, and check on them regularly. To be a good leader, as a parent/guardian, one should be their best example and mentor, and this will almost guarantee you victory.

My Final Thoughts

The impact of mobile technology on kids can be positive and negative. It heavily depends on a parent how often their kid interacts with the technology and how they rely on it. Maintaining a balance is crucial as the relationship the kid builds with the technology will impact their life greatly.

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